Hair Botox Treatment And All You Need to Know About It.

Hair Botox Treatment And All You Need to Know About It.

When it comes to hair botox, needles are injected into the scalp, as you might imagine. In most cases, you would think of Hair Botox as a common medical procedure for removing wrinkles.  There aren’t any needles involved, so don’t worry! 

To explain everything you need to know about hair botox, this useful guide has been put together by Wellness One Day Surgery Center, the best botox clinic in Abu Dhabi


Imagine hair botox in a similar way to how you would imagine botox for your skin. Botox, commonly known as Botulinum Toxin or BTX, is a bacterial toxin made into an injectable. Among all the medical and cosmetic treatments that include Botox injections, it is primarily used to remove fine lines and wrinkles and, in some cases, it is used to treat migraines. 

Hair botox’s main objective is to minimize frizz while making your hair smoother and fuller, despite the fact that it is not an injection like actual botox. Consider hair botox to be your hair’s best deep conditioning treatment.

A hair botox treatment can be quite beneficial if your hair is dehydrated, naturally curly, you color your hair a lot when you suffer from frizziness, or you live in a humid climate.

Creating a protective barrier for all hair types. It will decrease frizz and restore any hair damage, hair botox is a non-chemical conditioning treatment that infuses ceramides produced from Meadow’s Foam into your hair. It will restore any hair damage and decrease frizz. If you’re searching for a treatment that doesn’t entail any harsh chemicals, it’s a great choice for both men and women. You can get the treatment at dermal fillers in Abu Dhabi.


DHT, an androgen hormone, is usually regarded to be the main reason for hair loss. Botox was found to be a promising treatment for hair loss among participants in a recent study conducted by Canadian researchers in 2010. 

Professor Freund, the lead Canadian researcher, noticed that after injecting botox into his scalp, his hair began to regrow. At the end of the study, it was discovered that the hair count of the 40 individuals had increased by 18% in 60 weeks. The same is true for the oral medicine Finasteride, but without any of the pill’s negative effects.

Hair loss was reduced by an average of 39% with a response rate of 75% after this research.

Hair Botox works in the same way that Botulinum Toxin for the skin does but without the need for scalp injections. Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, Amino Acid, Glyoxylic Acid, Collagen Complex, BONT-L Peptide, and other active elements in Hair Botox help to nourish the hair. These chemicals in hair botox have been proven to help decrease hair loss, in addition to the extra benefits on the hair.

Hair botox’s anti-aging capabilities work as a hair filter. They fill in any gaps in the natural fiber of your hair, making it look younger. 


There are not many places where one can receive hair botox because it is such a very specialized treatment. Botox for hair is more usually offered in a high-end specialty salon or a medical spa. Mainly because the actual hair botox medication can only be obtained through specialized distributors, so chances are your local salon won’t readily offer this treatment. 

Because Wellness One Day Surgery Center is a botox clinic in Abu Dhabi, they are one of the few in the area that specializes in hair botox treatments.


Regular treatment will cost you anywhere from $100 to $300+, depending on where you get it done and any additional treatment add-ons you choose. Some people have chosen to administer the treatment at home, according to reports. You’ll save money on the treatment, but your hair and scalp will be permanently damaged.


Depending on how long your hair is, your session will last an hour to an hour and a half. To remove the remaining residue, your stylist will usually wash your hair. There will then be a 30-45 minute hair botox application before washing it off and applying any additional services you have requested. The results of hair botox treatments are usually semi-permanent and last between 2 and 4 months, depending on how frequently you wash your hair and how much your hair grows.  To maintain strong and healthy hair, it is suggested to have your treatment done every three months.


Hair is treated with keratin in a chemical process that straightens and smoothes it. Formaldehyde is a chemical present in many keratin treatments, and it can bother people with sensitive scalps. Those with very thick curly hair that is prone to frizz can benefit most from keratin treatments.  Having a keratin treatment might help style your hair quicker and more controllable daily.

Hair Botox, on the other hand, has no chemicals in it. It’s a deep-conditioning treatment that makes your hair feel softer and healthier. It is not a keratin treatment and will not straighten your hair. Nevertheless, styling and maintaining your appearance will be easy. 

Every hair type responds nicely to hair botox. Because keratin will weigh down the hair, those with thinner, finer hair should opt for a hair botox treatment over keratin.


It is possible to do both combined for very curly hair with a glossy, healthy look, especially if it is very thick and curly.  Then you can always add a coloring service to your appointment because hair botox is safe for color-treated hair. 

Do you have a question regarding how hair botox can benefit you? Call 02 6940000 to reach Wellness One Day Surgery Center, where they have the best botox specialist in Abu Dhabi.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.